
We’re really excited to see the Government’s ambition on solving the housing crisis, raising the national target to 370,000 is a great step to get more homes delivered and make homes more affordable to regular people.

The UK’s most unaffordable city, London, particularly needs to be a part of Labour’s ambitions to tackle the housing crisis. The new housing needs assessment reduces the target for London by 20,000 homes a year. This is exactly where the Government should focus its efforts so it can see the biggest impact on improving the lives of working people.

What you can do to help

The NPPF consultation is STILL OPEN. Write in saying you support the Government’s plans to build more homes BUT that you believe they should Boost the London Target.

Send your email: [email protected]

Respond to MHCLG’s consultation today!

Suggested email

Subject: Consultation response: NPPF

I agree with the entirety of the PricedOut response, especially regarding the proposed lowering of the targets in London.

There is a large amount to commend the proposed changes, and I wholeheartedly agree with the proposals in questions 1 and 6 to make targets binding and strengthen the presumption in favour of sustainable development. 

I am very concerned about the shortage of good homes in areas of opportunity. It is crucial that we build more homes in the most unaffordable areas to end the housing crisis. Whilst the raising of the overall housing target to 370,000 homes is very welcome, in response to questions 15-18 I want to emphasise that cutting the target for London would be a missed opportunity. I agree with the various options PricedOut proposed that would keep the London target over 100k homes a year.

There are also other ways in addition to targets I would be keen to see the Government move forward with, either through the NPPF or other means. This includes encouraging and enabling more estate renewal, predicated on tenant ballots as pioneered by the Mayor of London and moving ahead with street votes. Both of these would provide boosts to community-led development and deliver extra homes in cities.

Best wishes,


PricedOut’s Full Response

You can download the full response PricedOut sent into the consultation here.